How Exercise can help manage Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland under-produces thyroid hormones required for healthy functioning. This can cause unexplained weight gain, low heart rates, thinning hair, muscle weakness, joint stiffness, constipation and feeling sad or depressed, among other symptoms. 

Hypothyroidism becomes more prevalent as we age and is more common in women, particularly after menopause.  Although medication is often required to manage hypothyroidism, exercise plays a critical role in managing the symptoms of hypothyroidism.  

Signs of low thyroid - Embody Movement

6 ways exercise can help if you live with hypothyroidism

  1. Manage weight: hypothyroidism can cause your metabolism to slow down, which can lead to increased fat storage around the body. Regular exercise can improve your metabolism to prevent weight gain.  

  2. Improve heart health; impaired heart function is a common side effect of hypothyroidism. Regular cardiovascular exercise such as walking can help to improve the function of the heart and reduce the risk of chronic heart disease. We know that even without weight loss, exercise will improve the function of the heart.  

  3. Improve lean muscle mass: lean muscle mass from strength training can increase metabolism in the body aiding the body to manage weight. It will also ensure the body stays strong to maintain good function. 

  4. Improve mobility and reduce joint stiffness: swelling because of hypothyroidism can cause joint stiffness and pain. Regular exercise including strength training can improve joint movement, reduce stiffness, and ensure optimal function.  

  5. Boost mood and self- confidence: the reduction in thyroid hormones can cause mood swings and lead to depression. Exercise releases endorphins and serotonin which can boost mood and improve stress and general mental well-being. Exercise also boosts confidence which can improve your social well-being.   

  6. Manage fatigue and improve energy levels: all the changes to your body and the altered hormones associated with hypothyroidism can cause increased fatigue and low energy. Exercise can keep the body strong to manage fatigue, improve your sleep habits and leave you feeling more energised.  

Moderate exercise is key when managing hypothyroidism but there is no one program that will work for everyone. Your exercise needs to be tailored to your symptoms and how your body is feeling day-to-day. 

Alicea, our Exercise Physiologist, can help you exercise safely whilst managing your symptoms. To make a booking to discuss how we can help, call the studio on 0401 263 516.

Rachel Morgan-Varlow