Our vision for Embody Movement

As we commence a new year, many spend some time reflecting on the past and make goals for the coming year. As small business owners, the past 3 years have not only been a time of growth, but of cementing our sense of purpose. If we were going to continue to wade through the never ending barrage of challenges that were out of our control, for what purpose?

We originally opened Embody Movement as a means for me to work for myself while our children were young. Renting a space within Ocean Wave Medical Centre in 2015, with our firstborn only ten months old, we quickly realised that working as a sole practitioner actually didn’t lend me the freedom of time to spend with our family, but in fact the opposite. However working for myself also allowed me to treat as a Physiotherapist in a way in which I believed to be important- with genuine care and connection.

I missed teaching Pilates and we decided to look for a space to teach small classes from. Just as we committed to leasing a space from Caloundra RSL and bought all of the Pilates equipment, we fell pregnant with our second child. This was our first turning point in business. Moving from a sole practitioner to hiring our first Physiotherapist Sara and working from both the RSL and Ocean Wave. Over the coming years we continued to grow, moving into our second home on Buderim Street, Currimundi, hiring our first admin, new Physiotherapists, and our first Exercise Physiologist Alicea.

Six months after the arrival of our third baby, COVID hit. I’m sure that I do not have to go into specifics as to how this impacted our business. It has affected all of us personally and financially. Just when we thought things could return to normal, the next wave would hit. But with these challenges it forced us to reflect on why we are running this business and if it was worthwhile to continue to. It forced us to reflect on what our values are and why we have Embody Movement. And today we want to share it with you…

We believe that creating a business is a genuine way in which we can have a positive effect to numerous lives.

We realised that not only can we create a place that provides our community with amazing health care, but that we can create a space where the best Practitioners in our field want to work. Not just people who are good at their job, but that share the same values as us- who provide authentic care.

If you have walked into Embody Movement I am sure that you know what I am talking about. We believe that supporting people through health challenges requires care beyond the usual health care practice. Studies show the immense value in creating safety, peace and connection to the wellbeing of humans. Often our patients come to us in need of help. Pain and illness can create vulnerability, and we believe in the importance of kindness, empathy and care. These values are instilled through every facet of Embody Movement. From the way in which you are spoken to, to the layout and comfort of our practices. Our team have been carefully selected due to the embodiment of our values, and we pride ourselves on the way each client will feel on both entering and leaving our practices.

Several weeks ago Oliver returned home after being in the practice for the day. He told me a story that perfectly encapsulates the comfort that we want to bring to our community. As he was leaving he noticed one of our elderly patients having a nap in our waiting chairs while waiting for her taxi to arrive. Our admin caught his eye and smiled. How amazing is it that our clients feel so safe and comfortable in our clinics that they feel they can rest their eyes while they wait. This is the small moments that we live for.

Moving forward we have a strong vision for Embody Movement. We see Embody Movement as a place of innovation in health. Beyond Physiotherapy, it is a place which creates positive change in people’s lives. For our team, it is a space of purpose and fulfillment, of joy, friendship and self-growth. For our clients and patients, it is a place of comfort, happiness and transformation. For our community- it is a place of connection. 

With larger spaces we plan to build our connection with our community. Creating space for friendship and support. Using our expertise for Health Creation- beyond relieving pain and injury- but enhancing wellbeing and happiness.

We thank all of our clients for your support over the years and look forward to sharing our vision with more of our community as we expand into Forest Glen and Currimundi this year.

All the best for 2023.


Rachel Morgan-Varlow