Goal Setting for 2021

Finally, 2020 is nearly over. It is the year that just kept giving. For some of us, the time away from work helped us to focus on ourselves and our health. For others, the stress of the pandemic was so overwhelming that health took a backseat along with some bad habits. But 2021 is nearly here and it is time to reset the clock and start focusing on what is important for you and your body.

Over these last few weeks of 2020 and early into the new year, the Embody Movement team will be doing 2021 reassessment consultations. These consultations will provide an opportunity for both yourself and your practitioner to set some goals for 2021 and set a firm focus for treatment.

Goal setting for 2021

2021 reassessment consultations

What to expect during your consultation:

·       A review of your medical and injury history

·       Posture and mobility assessment

·       Movement assessment

·       Short and long term goal setting

·       Depending on your goals further assessments that may be included are:

o   Step up fitness test

o   Upper body strength – push up test, grip strength

o   Lower body strength – sit to stand, single leg sit to stand, single leg calf raises

o   Balance testing

o   Functional movement assessment

o   Agility testing

o   Weight, body fat and girth measurements

o   Pain scales and coping strategies

Once we have done the appropriate tests, we then figure out the best way to monitor your progress in the short term. This may include activity logs, photo diaries, journal entries etc.

Then the final step is to book your re-assessment. Depending on your goal, we may book an assessment for 3 months, 6 months or sooner. By booking in the follow-up appointment you have time-lined your goal and provided yourself with a date to aim towards improving success rates.

Rachel Morgan-Varlow