Invest in your health goals!

Ready to achieve your goals? Join one of our 8-week challenges!

As a Physiotherapist, the most exciting part of my job is when a client who comes to see me has the pure determination to improve their situation. I have helped people with pain or movement difficulties for many years. Without a doubt, the patients who improve the most are those who actively participate in their treatment.

Their determination shows in their faces. They are ready to hear advice and willing to make the changes required. Lifestyle is a major contributing factor to the majority of issues we see (think stress, diet, lack of regular movement or repetitive load).

While a lot can be achieved with a consultation, it’s important to commit to your own recovery too. I’m sure you will agree that if you have goals you want to achieve in life, you need to invest time, money and energy in order to realise them.

Effort over time = results

“Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out” says author Robert Collier. Healing from pain or injury is no different. Long-term healing requires some consistent changes to daily routine. The more you invest in your success over time, the more likely you are to succeed.

Watching our patients achieve their goals has made me realise how important it is to have a support network of people around you – a team of people to guide and help you on the journey. Recruiting the right people with the experience and skills, or perhaps the connections and time can help you can achieve results faster and more effectively.

The 8-week challenge 

Embody Movement is launching a series of 8-week challenges to assist you to overcome your health challenges. As experienced health professionals, we can support you to feel stronger, move more freely and smash your greatest health goals.  

Commit to your goal, sign up, and we will be with you each step of the way. If you invest in your goals…we will too.  

If you are successful in reaching your target after 8 weeks, you’ll receive a $100 Embody Movement voucher to continue your journey! 

Choose your challenge  

There are four 8-week challenges to choose from. 

1.     Get steady! Improve your balance and confidence to move independently.

2.     Reach a healthier weight.

3.     Get running! Always wanted to be able to run (or return to running?).

4.     Improve your consistency of movement. (increase your daily step count and complete ALL sessions in your challenge level) 

Choose your level 

We’ve created three different levels of investment so you can choose the one that’s right for you, and your budget! 

BRONZE - $45 a week

·      1 x group class a week

·      Initial consult

·      Follow up consults at 4 weeks and 8 weeks


SILVER - $95 a week

·      1 x group class a week

·      Initial consult

·      1 x private consult a week


GOLD - $149 a week

·      2 x group classes a week

·      Initial consult

·      1 x private consult a week


 *Conditions apply. Contact us for more details!

Here at Embody Movement, we thrive on assisting and empowering our clients to move well. Get in touch today to sign up and let us help you achieve your goals!

Rachel Morgan-Varlow