The importance of your 6 week postnatal check-up.

Why we believe that all new mothers should have access to a 6-8 week postnatal check-up by a Women’s Health physio.

Having a baby is one of life’s truly extraordinary experiences. Pregnancy and the delivery of a child (vaginal or caesarean section) are major events that bring about much change to your body and your life. While some mothers and infants transition through this time uneventfully, others find it overwhelming or develop significant health concerns that may persist for weeks and months after giving birth.

Having the knowledge and support in what to expect during pregnancy and after birth will enable you to make decisions with confidence regarding your own care and minimise the risk of delaying healing and recovery. It’s not only important for your immediate recovery but to future-proof your body for the rest of your life!

Often, we see women seeking help much later in life for pelvic trauma that occurred during their child-bearing age. This can usually be prevented.

Healing and recovery after birth

After the whirlwind of birth and the first few weeks of newborn care, it is critical to have the space to acknowledge and understand how this process has affected you personally to enable optimal recovery postpartum and a safe return to activity and life with a new baby.

This time after birth is a period of healing and recuperation. The fourth trimester is not only a stage of transition for an infant, but also for the mother, and it is imperative for each woman to have support physically and emotionally during this time.

Why have a postnatal check-up?

Having a thorough assessment and physiotherapy consult at 6-8 weeks after birth by an experienced practitioner, gives you space to discuss concerns, pain, or difficulties you are encountering, as well as confidence about how to safely resume your usual activities.

By having an assessment early, any trauma or issues not recovering within a usual timeframe can be identified early and optimal care commenced.

Studies have shown that nearly 70% of women describe at least one physical problem within the first 12 months postpartum (1). For 25% of these women, the problem is deemed to be of moderate severity and 20% have severe problems (1). As the presence and severity of postpartum problems increase, there is a corresponding increase in women’s functional limitations including their ability to work, look after children or undertake household tasks, and an increase of depressive symptoms.

As most women return to the community within a few days of birthing, postpartum care is often delivered in a private setting. This can mean that unless you are aware of the importance of a 6-week check-up, or have been directly referred for one, this vital postnatal care can be missed, to the detriment of your wellbeing.

What does a 6-week check-up involve?

At Embody Movement, our experienced Women’s Health Physiotherapists Courtney and Christina offer a 60-minute post-natal consultation.

This is a chance to:

  • Discuss any pre-existing symptoms or concerns that you may have had prior to/or during your pregnancy.

  • Discuss your birth and any symptoms or trauma resulting.

  • Discuss your recovery since birth and any concerns that you may have.

  • Understand your goals in returning to activity.

  • Check your abdominals for any diastasis/separation and discuss any management required.

  • Check your pelvic floor (this may or may not involve an internal examination, based on each individual’s need).T hey assess the activation and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, check for any tears, and the supportive tissues of the bowel, bladder and uterus for signs of prolapse.

  • Provide education about preventative measures to avoid back and neck pain with infant care.

  • Provide a management plan, and exercise plan based on your needs.

At Embody Movement, we are immense advocates for improving each woman’s experience in birthing and beyond. We believe that through knowledge and understanding we can provide the best level of care to ensure optimal recovery and a return to your best sense of self.

To make a booking for a postnatal check-up click here or check out our Pregnancy and Postnatal Care Packages.



  1. Webb DA, Bloch JR, Coyne JC, Chung EK, Bennett IM, Culhane JF: Postpartum physical symptoms in new mothers: their relationship to functional limitations and emotional well-being. Birth. 2008, 35 (3): 179-187. 10.1111/j.1523-536X.2008.00238.x.




Rachel Morgan-Varlow