Here comes the COLD! How to stay motivated in Winter

with Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Alicea Dwyer

exercise in winter

With cold wintery weather fast approaching, it is easy to slip into bad habits of missing your regular exercise. The Australian guidelines for exercises are currently 150 minutes per week, or 30 minutes, 5 times per week. We should also include 2 days of strength training – like Pilates. Despite the cold weather, the guidelines don’t change.

A few ways to stay motivated:

-        Plan your exercise. Whether it is Winter or Summer, trying to exercise without a plan doesn’t usually work out well. Schedule your workouts around your busy schedule and make time for you. Remember, not every workout needs to be 1 hour long. If you only have 20 minutes – make it count!

-        Find a workout buddy who will stop you from hitting the snooze button. A friend gives you accountability on those mornings where it seems easier to pull the doona over your head and go back to sleep.

-        Exercise indoors. You’d be surprised at the workouts you can do at home with just your body weight or the exercise ball and mat that is lying around gathering dust. If you aren’t sure how to plan your workout with what you have, book in with our Exercise Physiologist to get started.

-        Play a sport or hobby. Find a hobby or sport that you enjoy and get involved. This could be lawn bowls, trekking, walking netball, golf or cycling. If you are with a team even better. Check out social media pages to connect with local groups. 

-        Avoid sweet, sugary snacks. Make each meal count – include complex carbohydrates, protein, good healthy fats and lots of colourful vegetables or fruits. Healthy can be delicious.

-        Book in for a session. Nothing beats a Pilates workout on a cold winters’ day. You are indoors, with friends, motivating music and guidance through the whole thing to keep you on track. Give us a call and book your next Pilates session.

Don’t let winter be your undoing. Spring really is only three and a half months away.

Book your 1-on-1 session with our Exercise Physiologist, Alicea, to develop your exercise plan for this Winter or book in to one of our group exercise sessions.




Rachel Morgan-Varlow