Defying the Age Myth: Embracing Wellness and Overcoming Aches in Your 30s and 40s

Since when is it considered “old” to be in your 30s or 40s? As a 38-year-old Physiotherapist, the number of times I have heard “I’m just getting old” by my fellow 30-year-old patients has changed from a humourous comment to a repetitive theme.

The social construct of feeling "old" in your 30s and 40s has perpetuated a disempowering mindset that can hinder our quality of life. Not only is morning stiffness, joint pain, mental fog and fatigue not just a normal process of ageing, but these ideas of age are robbing us from feeling our best. We often dismiss minor aches and pains as inevitable consequences of aging, but in reality, they could be indicative of inflammation rather than simply the passage of time. The wonderful thing is that there is so much that you can do yourself to help, and we are able to support you in the process. 

Understanding Inflammation and Age Perception

It's crucial to understand that inflammation isn't solely a symptom of aging; rather, it is a sign that our bodies are out of balance. When we experience aches and discomfort, it's often our body's way of telling us that there might be an underlying issue that requires attention. While it's true that our bodies undergo changes over time, attributing every ache to age can lead to complacency, inhibiting our ability to address these concerns proactively.


Physiotherapy's Role in Unravelling Underlying Issues

Physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in unravelling the complexities of our bodies. Through careful assessment and analysis, physiotherapists can identify whether the discomfort is a result of an underlying injury, medical condition or simply a consequence of lifestyle changes and load.


Empowerment Through Movement and Strength

Contrary to the belief that age restricts movement, regular physical activity is vital to maintaining joint mobility and muscle strength. Physiotherapists tailor exercise regimes to individual needs, focusing on gradually increasing intensity and incorporating exercises that enhance flexibility and strength. By engaging in targeted exercises, we can defy the notion of "feeling old" and embrace a more active lifestyle that supports overall wellness.

At Embody Movement we offer low-impact exercise options that promote joint health, including Yoga and Clinical Pilates. These classes gently build strength and joint mobility without the high impact of other forms of exercise. They are also taught by experienced Health Practitioners who understand how changing hormones through Perimenopause can impact joint health and predispose women to injury when exercising.  

Nutrition: Fueling the Fight Against Inflammation

The food we consume plays a pivotal role in managing inflammation. A diet rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and polyphenols can bolster our immune system and combat inflammation. At Embody Movement, we collaborate with nutritionist Christine Smith to guide individuals towards dietary choices that promote joint health and reduce inflammatory responses. This collaboration between movement and nutrition empowers individuals to take charge of their wellbeing.


Lifestyle Factors: Enhancing Wellbeing

Our lifestyle choices can significantly influence our perception of age and overall health. Adequate sleep, stress management, and mindfulness practices contribute to a balanced lifestyle that supports immune and inflammatory health. Physiotherapists work with patients to implement these lifestyle changes, fostering a holistic approach to wellness that goes beyond treating symptoms and instead addresses the root causes of discomfort.

In our 30s and 40s, it's time to shatter the disempowering notion that we are destined to "feel old." Aches and pains shouldn't be brushed off as mere age-related inconveniences. They are signals from our bodies that warrant attention and care. Through physiotherapy, we can challenge this perception, uncover underlying issues, and take proactive steps toward a healthier and more vibrant life.


By incorporating movement, stress management, and proper nutrition, we can manage inflammation effectively. The collaboration between physiotherapists and patients fosters an environment of empowerment, where individuals are equipped with the knowledge and tools to regain control over their bodies and destinies. With mindful lifestyle changes and a commitment to holistic wellbeing, we can prove that age is just a number and pave the way for a fulfilling life that defies expectations.

If you need support to feel your best, click here to book in your initial Physiotherapy Consult.

You can also book a Nutritionist consult with Christine by calling 0474 658 794.

Rachel Morgan-Varlow