Funding Options for Seniors for Physiotherapy and exercise rehab.

There is no doubt that with the rising cost of living, we are all watching our expenses these days. For our senior community, unfortunately this can mean that they are not able to afford the care they require to function independently and maximise their movement. There is a good deal of evidence that supports the fact that Physiotherapy and active rehabilitation can assist to prevent hospitalisation, reduce surgery rates and improve the rate of independent living in the community. While there are some short term funding help such as an Enhanced Primary Care Plan for allied health, many businesses are no longer able to afford to bulk bill these services, which can also make affordability difficult.


Did you know that you may be able to access assistance at home, as well as allied health services such as Physiotherapy, Podiatry and exercise rehabilitation under My Aged Care?


From the age of 65, Australian citizens are eligible to be assessed under My Aged Care, to determine what assistance they may need, and what level of funding they could be approved for.


The process is quite easy, and does not require a GP referral, however it can take some time to be processed (from 3-12 months!). Due to the length in processing time, we do encourage all of our patients over this age to start the assessment process. Even if you do not require urgent assistance right now, by being “in the system” you will be able to gain help quickly should your needs change suddenly after an accident or change in health.


At Embody Movement, we have many patients who access our services under My Aged Care. If you have a preference for us to provide your Physiotherapy and exercise rehabilitation needs, feel free to reach out and we can assist you to understand the process.


Sarah has a lot of experience in this area, and has developed a small information sheet to guide you through the process. Do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to access this information on 07 5337 9853, or email

Rachel Morgan-Varlow