Three great exercises to release tension from sitting for too long

The body is made to move. The way our joints are lubricated is through movement; the way our breath deepens is through movement or conscious breathing. Becoming conscious of movements throughout the day can help us revitalise and re-energise our physical bodies. The age of technology has brought us to phones, computers, and cars. Most of these positions we adopt to use technology increase the thoracic kyphosis in our spines and the rounding of our shoulders.  

Although technology is here to stay and is helping so many businesses thrive, creating a greater reach to people that could never be done before, it is taking a toll on our minds and bodies. We need to become more active and conscious with taking breaks through the day for stretching and breathing.  

Here are 3 exercises that I love to stretch the spine and increase the breath.  

Conscious lengthening of the spine.


Sit tall in your chair, feel your sitting bones and lengthen from the base of the spine all the way to the top of the head. Make sure to lengthen the back of the neck, ever so slightly tucking your chin in. Imagine you are holding a crown on your head. Place both hands on your belly, as you inhale, feel you belly expand, and as you exhale, feel the belly relax. Repeat 10 breaths.  

Side flexion in sitting


Bring your arms to a T position out wide at shoulder height. Lift one arm all the up and lean to the opposite side, feel a stretch through your side body.  

Repeat x6 times each side  

Exhale with the stretch and inhale to return to centre  

 3.Standing forward fold: 

This is a relaxing exercise but one that you need to allow yourself to melt into.  


Stand up, allow your knees to micro bend and roll down, sliding your hands down the front of your thighs. Breathe into this position for a few breaths. Let the head hang, shake the head yes and no to release tension in your neck muscles. As you return to standing tall, engage your abdominals to support your lower back.  

Repeat x3 times.  

Moving the body in all different ways is going to create more lubrication for each joint and allow your muscles to lengthen and stretch. The more fluidity we have in our muscles, the easier the blood and nutrients can flow to them and the more energised we will feel.  

If you are feeling pain or discomfort that is not alleviated with these movements, book in for a Physiotherapy consult and we can assist you to feel your best.


Rachel Morgan-Varlow