Your surgery has been postponed...Now what do you do?

Prehab and Rehab for Elective Surgeries

At the moment those of you waiting for elective surgery have found that your surgery may have been delayed due to the current situation with the Corona virus. It is important that you continue or even start with your prehab plan while you’re waiting, and many of these exercises can been done at home.

What is Prehab?

This is the Rehabilitation you do pre surgery. This should be at least 6-8 weeks prior to your surgery date.

Studies have shown that knee and hip replacement surgery patients who had participated in water and land-based strength training, aerobic and flexibility exercises for six weeks prior to their surgeries reduced their odds of needing inpatient rehabilitation by up to 73 %. Many studies have shown the benefits to having education and doing exercises before the operation lead to quicker recovery times and less time spent in hospital post op.

A recent study from 2019 actually showed that 20% of patients awaiting a total knee operation changed their minds about having the surgery due to the decrease in symptoms.

Rehabilitation Post Operation

This is the help, advice and exercise programmes you will be given after you’ve had your operation both while in hospital and back home in the community or clinic setting.

A study from NZ in 2020 showed that participants reported generally positive outcomes six months after primary total hip, knee and uni-compartmental knee replacement following a course of rehabilitation post op.

Clinically we often see a significant difference between those who have had directed prehab and rehab especially for those having joint replacements. Some people are discharged from hospital with little or no information on what to do next – it is important that that you get good advice and direction from your physiotherapist and exercise physiologists.

Remember it is not only joint replacements where you need appropriate prehab and rehab. This can apply to almost any surgery that you are due to have or have had.

Here at Embody Movement there are experienced, trained professionals ready to help you with this journey. So, don’t worry it is never too late to work on any issues or questions you may have.

So if you’re in isolation contact us today to arrange an online or phone consultation.

Rachel Morgan-Varlow