Perfecting posture

The idea of a ‘perfect’ posture is something many of aspire to, but what is perfect posture?

Posture is not a single body position, but the way you move your body throughout the day. If you remain in one position for too long, your body is likely to tell you by sending pain signals. Our goal should be to move regularly through the day into various postures to prevent muscle aches, pain and stiffness. So ‘perfect posture’ is various positions that place the least amount of pressure on our muscles, ligaments and joints and should be changed regularly throughout the day.

If like many of us at the moment, you are working from home or are not working and find yourself in front of the TV or reading blog posts on your phone, take the time now to consider your posture.

Where in your body do you feel pressure, strain or pain?

How can you adjust your position to alleviate that discomfort?

Is it time to get up and change positions?

Or, perhaps it is time to move!

I have created a video link on our Facebook page (click here with exercises you can perform anywhere to improve mobility and stretch out the aches and pains from poor posture, or from sustaining one posture for too long.

The exercises include:

1.     Shoulder rolls

2.     Standing roll down

3.     Angel Wings against wall

4.     Mermaid stretch

5.     Lunge with rotation

6.     Dynamic Hip flexor

7.     Glute stretch with rotation

Regular exercise including strength and mobility will help to maintain good posture. If you are struggling with pain, stiffness or discomfort, get in touch with our exercise physiologists or physiotherapists to get an assessment and develop a plan.   

Rachel Morgan-Varlow